When I Actually Write A Book, You Will Be Acknowledged Blogfest.
To see the list of participants, click here.
The rules:
Write an acknowledgement blurb for 12 people, with 12 reasons. But not just ANY twelve people:
- 3 people you know IRL.
- 3 people you know online.
- 1 person who has died.
- 1 person you never met.
- 1 person you met once.
- 1 couple (so, 2 people).
- 1 author.
1. My husband: It's hard to put into words what this man means to me, except to say, he is home. Bear has worked hard in order for me to write full-time. He believes in me. He is the most selfless and patient person I know. Not only do I love him with all my heart, I deeply admire him.
My aunt, who is quick to compliment, true with criticism, and told me anything I wrote would be interesting.
My grandma, for whole-heartedly supporting my writing and keeping me stocked in BABYSITTER CLUB books as a kid.
And I'm going to cheat here and add my brother and sister. My brother for being the straight-up, real-life hero he is, and my sister for basically being the awesomest little sister ever created. Anyone who's read MAGGIE knows Maggie and her sister's relationship is extremely contentious - my relationship with my siblings is nothing like that, but they provide me with inspiration nonetheless, so thank you!
2. Three people? How about three groups? My YA Highway/Road Trip Wednesday friends, my Twitter buddies, and my favorite bloggy friends, who may or may not also cross over into the aforementioned groups: Sarah Enni, Pam Harris, Marquita Hockaday, Rachel Bateman, and a certain other someone mentioned below...
3. I've been blessed thus far to avoid the pain of personal loss, and I hope to continue that way for a long time. The military has been a defining force in my life, so I'd like to say the men and women who gave their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. All gave some, but some gave all. As long as I'm alive, you will not be forgotten.
4. Ann M. Martin, for writing the prolific series that captured my interest and filled my shelves for many, many years. At one point in my childhood when my family moved to a different state and I knew no one, Kristy, Claudia, Mary Anne, Stacy, Dawn, Mallory, Jessi, and Abby were my friends.
5. How about Miss Glenna Walsh herself? Technically, we've met a few times, but all over the period of a two week trip to Philly, so I think she counts. Glenna is... pretty much amazing. She is wise beyond her years, lightning witted, deeply compassionate, with the true heart of a writer. Glenna was also a semi-alpha reader for MAGGIE. It is her insistence that what I was writing was actually good that lit a fire under me to finish Maggie's story after languishing in writer's despair for far too long.
6. My mom and stepdad. I am blessed that when I announced I was quitting my job to write a book, my parents looked at me not like I was crazy, but with pride and excitement. They never once questioned me in the three years it took to write MAGGIE, when I barely had the confidence to talk about the project, much less show it to anyone. They are my friends, a source of great comfort, and having been married going on 15 years, loving one another through thick and thin, they are a beautiful example not only to Bear and I, but every married couple.
7. I don't write fanfic or dress as my favorite character for the premieres, but I'm about as big of a (non-crazy) HARRY POTTER fan you will find. Not only has JK Rowling created a beloved bookiverse filled with heartbreakingly beautiful characters and a world detailed enough to be real, she conducts herself in an upright, compassionate manner. And for that, Ms. Rowling, I say thank you.
Want to join in the fun? It's not too late!
Who would you include in your theoretical acknowledgements?
this is such a cute blogfest!! I love every one of your choices! <3 <3
Yayay for siblings! (Have I ever mentioned I love your husband's name? Not to be creepy or anything.)
<3 Maggie IS actually AWESOME. And it's amazing that you have not one but TWO happily married couples in your family. I'm always floored by how much love you guys have for each other.
And thank you, chicka. <3 I started crying a tiny bit.
Aww, thanks Abby! <3 Btw, I totally got all teary-eyed when you wrote about your hubby. I'm sure I've asked this before, but does he have a brother?? :)
this is a nice one Abby-- it says a lot that you have so many people you admire in your life. :0)
That is great that your parents didn't think you were crazy when you quit your job--it's always nice to be supported. And THANKS so much for including me in your acknowledgements. I feel so special now :D
I love having fictional friends. I moved a lot, too, and the Baby Sitters Club and the Saddle Club gals were always there. :)
Great acknowledgments!
I love this! I like the blogfest theme, and I LOVE your choices. :) (my husband is incredibly supportive and patient, too.)
I'm new here. *waves* Nice to 'meet' you.
Have a lovely, writerly weekend,
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