February 22, 2011

Award season is upon us!

Thank you to Pam & Quita, Glenna, and Rachel for the Stylish Blogger Award!

The rules of the award are:
  1. Thank and link back to the bloggers who awarded you.
  2. List 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award onto 7 more fabulously stylish bloggers.
7 Things About Me:
  1. In 2009, Bear and I came down with swine flu at the same time. It was the sickest I've ever been in my life. Almost a week laying on a pallet by the bathroom door floating in and out of consciousness. Yeah.
  2. I have never been very interested in driving. I finally got my license at 17 (a good year after everyone else), and only then because I needed a license to work, make money, and not depend on others for rides. To this day I hate driving. My brother, on the other hand, sees driving as a fun hobby.
  3. Growing up, I wasn't interested in learning to cook. When Bear and I got married I could barely cook something simple like spaghetti. Five years later, I am now an excellent cook and an even better baker.
  4. I am an extremely (extremely) picky eater, and most of what I cook I don't eat. Whenever I make something I don't like for dinner, Bear usually fixes me a big salad to go along with his meal.
  5. My favorite snack is air-popped popcorn with fresh-grated parmesan cheese, salt, and melted margarine.
  6. I have done so much traveling in the last 2 years (DC, NYC, Boston, Philly, Tennessee, Philly, London, NYC, New York — and I'm sure I'm forgetting something) that I am now slightly travel burnt-out.
  7. When we went to Universal Studios in 2008, Bear had to practically drag me away from the Dino Lab in Islands of Adventure. I <3 dinosaurs!

7 Stylish Bloggers:
*Had they not already awarded me this award, I would be awarding it to them, so they are honorary awardees! (That was a lot of 'award's in one sentence!)


Holly Hill said...

Your popcorn sounds *awesome*. Must try. And you and Super Spawn would get along well...he loves dinos too. lol

Glenna said...

Yay for culinary endeavors! And Bear making you a salad is among the most adorable of mental images.

I am with you on the popcorn! Woohoo!

Rachel Bateman said...

Mmmm...I think I need to go make some popcorn now. I have a whirly pop that NEVER leaves the stove top. I use it to frequently to bother with finding another place to store it.

I was the same when it came to cooking - until Geek Husband and I got together I was really not much of a cook. Now not only can a cook really well, I actually really, really enjoy it too. I have always loved baking as well (and love even more when someone will pay me for a cake - that makes me all kinds of happy).

Abby Stevens said...

Holly, it really is GREAT popcorn. And yay for Super Spawn! He obviously has good taste. ;D

Glenna - food is so much better when someone else makes it for you, don't you think? And popcorn ftw, 100%. :D

Rachel - you know I'd never heard of a Whirly Pop until a few weeks ago? But they seem really cool! It's funny how that worked with us, isn't it? I used to have no interest in cooking at all and now I genuinely enjoy it. I'm not great at cake decorating yet, but I've been thinking of taking a class at Michael's.

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