February 12, 2011

Winner winner chicken dinner

Ah, a Saturday post. These don't happen very often, but I have a full schedule already planned next week, so...

I'm learning that the more laidback the contest, the more fun I (and you!) have with it, so expect more of my upcoming contests to be in this vein (though I am toying with the idea of a writing contest in the near future, too.)

Without further adieu (and I completely had to look up how to spell that)!

The winner of the box of books is

The author swag winners are

Congratulations all!
Winners, email your mailing address to abby@abbystevens.com by Wednesday, 2/16 or I will be forced to pick a new winner (sad face).

Thank you to everyone who tweeted, posted links on your sidebar, and otherwise spread the word. It is deeply appreciated!

Also, what kind of prize do you think would be worth the work involved in a writing contest (a short piece, under 1,000 words)?


Yahong Chi said...

Congrats to the winners!
You had to look up how to spell 'adieu'??? The French part of me in my heart dies in shame.
In response to your question: I'd go for it if the magazine/publisher was prestigious enough to grant me a worthy publishing credit. Which kind of tells you where I am as a writer, doesn't it?

Emy Shin said...

Congratulations to the winners!

The prize for the writing contest could be some sort of critiques? But books are always good. :)

Rachel Bateman said...

Yay! Congrats to the winners! I didn't enter this contest, since I have already won two of yours and figured I should spread the wealth, but it was tempting. Lisa is lucky - those are some great books she is getting.

Pam Harris said...

Yay!! Thank you so much!! Oh, and I'd definitely write my butt off for books or gift cards. :)

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Thanks so much Abby. I appreciate the Showalter book, even though I did not get back to you on a timely basis. It's a more than generous offer by a super author.


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