September 30, 2010

Rain rain, don't go away

Despite having (hack hack) bronchitis, I have a feeling today is going to be very productive. It's been raining all week (seriously, it's raining cats and dogs right now) and I'm itching to get these edits done. Don't know what it is, but something about rain really helps me focus.

Plus, my brother will be home for Mid-Tour Leave very soon, which has nothing to do with my productivity, but makes me very, very happy.

Here's to fixing a mug of hot chocolate (extra marshmallows, please), and diving in!

What helps you focus?


Sandy said...

I love the rain; it definitely helps set the mood for focusing. And I'm glad your brother will be on leave soon! :)

JEM said...

Yay to both of those things! I also love the rain, although I hate when it rains and I'm at work because all I want to do is curl up on the couch and write. With the mug of hot cocoa, of course.

Claire Dawn said...

Allergies are killing me. Sniffle, sniffle.

I don't know what helps me focus, but I really wish I did...

Pam Harris said...

I'm glad one of us is enjoying this rain. :) But seriously, I did get a day off of work because of the rain, and I'm about to start some serious revising. So I'm cool with the rain--as long as I don't have to go out in it!

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